The resilience of Gen Z

What’s often talked about is Gen Z anxiety. What’s not talked about enough is their resilience. Yes, the pandemic and racial injustice are defining moments for Gen Z, but thanks to the chaotic times Zs grew up in, they’ve built “emotional antibodies” that help them maintain their resilience. Zs are rightly called the “anxious generation,” but they should…


Gen Z took their activism indoors

The pandemic didn’t slow Gen Z activism down, they merely took their activism indoors. Gen Z climate crusaders Greta Thunberg and Xiye Bastida started a digital strike initiative, the anti-gun violence group March for Our Lives tweeted, “taking to the streets is not the only way we can organize to make change […] Join us for a…


Everyday Activists

Gen Zs are ringing in a new era of protest culture, flash philanthropy and change-making movements, and redefining activism as an urgent and all-encompassing endeavor.  While Boomers protested Vietnam and Xers fought the man, apathetic Millennials swung the other way, becoming known as comparably lazy “clicktavists” who signed online petitions and and shared articles on…



While how much Jack Dorsey actually pledges to fight the pandemic remains to be seen, one thing is clear – his coronavirus quaranine routine and his wellness practices have got the attention of many Gen Zs. While investors have rightly soured on many of the CEOs who put their wellness routines front and center (Adam…


3 reasons the pandemic is hitting Millennials the hardest and how brands should step up

Social distancing and quarantining is tough on everyone, but it’s especially tough on Millennials. Here’s why: 1. They’re a group-oriented generation.  When Millennials were growing up, it was all about the group. Their Boomer parents had Millennials scheduled in team sports and play groups as soon as they could walk. School was all about the group project and how many different…
